AFL Central Victoria Media Release – Player Payment Rule Breaches

Recently the AFL Central Victoria Commission appointed a Player Payment Disciplinary Committee to
hear charges laid against two clubs participating in the region, under section 9(a) of the Player
Payment Rule. This followed the Commission reviewing reports on the two clubs prepared by a
trained and accredited AFL Victoria Integrity Officer.

The Player Payment Disciplinary Committee found both the Kyneton Football Netball Club
(competing in the Bendigo Football Netball League) and the Koondrook Barham Football Netball
Club (competing in the Central Murray Football Netball League) guilty of multiple breaches of the
Player Payment Rule in season 2021.

Both clubs were found guilty of administration breaches and of breaching Player Payment Rule
2(a)(i) by exceeding the maximum player payments allowed for that season.
The two clubs both received fines, and investigation reviews will be conducted on their player
payments for seasons 2022 and 2023.

The Integrity Officer’s reports stated that both clubs and their officials were co-operative,
transparent and open during the reviews. It was also noted that in both cases these were honest

For more information contact Region Manager Craig Armstead at or 03 5434 2400.