Coach Your Way Session


Wednesday 5th June – 7pm

At The Bendigo Club (22 Park St, Strathdale)

Guest Speaker is VFLW Coach and Local Legend Cherie O’Neill.

The session will be presented by AFL Victoria Coach Developer in Luke Monaghan.

Please register via

The Coach Your Way Rookie Program aims to provide you with the knowledge, tools and support you need to confidently step in to coaching.

It’s all about coaching YOUR WAY, not about fitting the mould of the ‘traditional coach’.

As part of the Women and Girls Game Development Action Plan, Increasing the number of Women and Girls Coaching is a key element driving us towards our Women’s Football Vision.

The program includes five key components starting with attending your closest workshop which will enable you to receive your AFL Foundation Coaching Accreditation and will be provided with some digital resources to assist you in your coaching.