To our Valued Football Community,
I hope this note finds you and your family safe and well in an incredibly challenging time for us all. With announcements over recent days, we understand there is a growing level of uncertainty with the postponement of our season across all levels of the game. These are unprecedented and constantly developing times.
As has many businesses, AFL Central Victoria have also been affected, resulting in some changes to staffing with Sharon McColl standing down temporarily and Amy Kenyon finishing today. League managers will be available, but please direct all North Central Football League and Bendigo Umpire Association enquires to Carol Cathcart and Central Victorian Football League Women to Norm Sheahan. Temporarily, from Monday, March 30, until Friday, May 22, 2020, the remaining members of our team will be working two days per week, so please be patient as they may take longer than usual to respond to your calls and emails. During this time our staff are working remotely, and the AFL Central Victoria Office will be closed. I will keep all our clubs informed regarding any further changes depending on how the situation unfolds.
AFL Victoria has made the decision to temporarily stand down many of AFL Victoria’s staff from Monday, March 30, 2020, until Sunday, May 31, 2020. Unfortunately, the temporary stand down applies to our Football Development Managers, Jake McLean and Daniel Reid.
Please remember the number one priority is your health and wellbeing, keep in mind that many of our football community are directly affected with job losses and trying to manage education through these trying times. Keep in touch with your football community and provide support where you can.
There should be no organised training until further notice. Please abide by the current protocols around social distancing and ensure that any fitness work is carried out in accordance to the health and safety guidelines. The leagues will endeavour to salvage a season and we can only hope and plan for this, but it is more important that everyone stays healthy.
The AFL has prepared a set of Q&As that are available on and shared on our social media channels that will hopefully address many of your questions surrounding community football.
I am so proud of our team and the work we do and look forward to catching up at the footy/netball in the future. Please look after yourself and your family and friends in these times, and we will update you with any changes.
Carol Cathcart
Region General Manager
AFL Central Victoria